The University of Chicago's free

产品中心 2024-09-23 13:22:52 6641

“Speech” welcome:The University of Chicago has been marketing itself as the last bastion of free expression, and the kinds of people who matter to universities—pundits, donors—seem to be responding. Osita Nwanevu (Class of 2015) looks at the stakes of letting Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer have free rein, in return for appreciation from misguided olds.

Time to panic:Fred Kaplan can’t reassure us about the John Bolton news.

Ghosts from the past:John Bolton and Gina Haspel’s resurfacings are the direct result of our inability to deal with the bad actors of the Bush administration, Josh Keating writes.

All around us:Human beings are particularly ill-suited to mourn when wild animal populations get smaller, Henry Grabar writes, but those populations are diminishing at an alarming rate.

For fun: Go ahead, make a Cynthia Nixon joke. Just get it right.

And, not in,


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