A PC Gaming Music Journey: From Doom to Terraria, System Shock, and More Memorable Soundtracks

产品中心 2024-09-22 01:00:34 7393

A few years back, PCGamingMusic JourneyFromDoomtoTerraria SystemShock  we published a feature highlighting memorable video game music from the 8-bit and 16-bit era. The brainstorming session for that piece was extensive, but for the sake of brevity the list was whittled down to just eight core entries and two honorable mentions – uncertain of a sequel, we felt Daytona USA and Techno Syndrome were simply too important to overlook.

Our readers proved passionate on the subject, reminiscing about their favorite soundtracks and pointing out some glaring omissions, whether due to sheer ignorance of a particular game or it simply not making the cut. One thing was clear: a sequel was in order.

Forging ahead with part two, we decided to focus exclusively on outstanding PC game soundtracks. We've certainly got our hands full as there's a plethora of excellent material to consider. Let's revisit some of the most unforgettable video game music from the PC era...




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