Trump, Kim to meet again soon?

资讯 2024-09-23 08:28:52 24
Captured from Trump's Twitter
Captured from Trump's Twitter

By Park Si-soo

U.S. President Donald Trump thanked North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Thursday for returning the remains of dozens of presumed U.S. soldiers killed during the 1950-53 Korean War. He also expressed his hope of meeting Kim again soon.

In a Twitter message, Trump wrote: "Thank you to Chairman Kim Jong Un for keeping your word & starting the process of sending home the remains of our great and beloved missing fallen!"

"I am not at all surprised that you took this kind action. Also, thank you for your nice letter - l look forward to seeing you soon!"

Remains of Korean War dead arrive in Hawaii [PHOTOS] Remains of Korean War dead arrive in Hawaii [PHOTOS] 2018-08-02 09:35  |  North Korea
It was unclear what letter he was referring to or when he might meet Kim. But after June's Singapore summit, North Korean media said Kim had accepted an invitation from Trump to visit the US, while Trump said Kim would "absolutely" be invited to the White House at some point.

Trump's tweet came hours after the remains of U.S. war dead arrived in Hawaii for analysis and identification. North Korea handed over the remains last week, fulfilling one of the promises made between Kim and Trump in their historic first summit in Singapore on June 12.

Meanwhile, South Korean President Moon Jae-in is reportedly working to arrange his third meeting with Kim this month to maintain the current peace momentum and ultimately to find a breakthrough for the North's denuclearization. Cheong Wa Dae has denied the reports.




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