Trump tells NRA gun rights will “never ever be under siege as long as I am your president.”

新闻中心 2024-09-22 01:43:28 366

Remember that time shortly after the Parkland school massacre when some speculated President Trump could finally put a little distance between the White House and the National Rifle Association? Well all that seems to have gone out the window as Trump delivered full-throated support for the National Rifle Association Friday, giving a campaign-style speech in which he credited NRA members for fighting for their Second Amendment rights. As is the president’s usual style, his address went over many topics, including North Korea, poll numbers, Kanye West, and Robert Mueller’s investigation. But the one constant was unabashed and unwavering support for the NRA and its members.

“Thanks to your activism and dedication, you have an administration fighting to protect your Second Amendment, and we will protect your Second Amendment,” Trump said at the NRA convention in Dallas. “Your Second Amendment rights are under siege, but they will never, ever be under siege as long as I’m your president.”


The president used the opportunity to warn that Democrats were out to get their guns.

“The one thing that stands between Americans and the elimination of our Second Amendment rights has been conservatives in Congress,” Trump said. “We’ve got to get Republicans elected.” The president said Democrats were trying to “outlaw guns” and made it clear that he thought any type of gun control was pointless because terrorists aren’t even using guns anyway. “You know what?” he asked. “We are going to have to outlaw immediately all vans and all trucks, which are now the new form of death for the maniac terrorists … so let’s ban immediately all trucks, all vans, maybe all cars. How about cars? Let’s not sell any more cars.”

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The president also used the NRA platform to push for his well-publicized plan to arm teachers, repeating the words “highly trained” like a mantra. “We strongly believe in allowing highly trained teachers to carry concealed weapons, if they’re highly trained,” he said. “And we want highly trained security guards.”

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