No pressure for Slot as he replaces Klopp

行业动态 2024-09-22 04:17:01 59

Liverpool’s new manager Arne Slot insists he can cope with the pressure of following in the footsteps of Anfield icon Jurgen Klopp.

Slot has the daunting task of trying to emulate Klopp’s remarkably successful nine-year reign at Liverpool.

Before his shock decision to step down at the end of last season, Klopp led Liverpool to a host of major trophies, including their first Premier League title in 30 years and the Champions League crown in 2019.

Slot is tasked with maintaining the sky-high standards set by Klopp and the 45-year-old Dutchman is confident he can rise to the challenge.

Speaking at his first press conference since his arrival from Feyenoord in June, Slot was asked if it was intimidating to follow Klopp.

“Not at all actually. You can look at it both ways, big shoes to fill but you inherit a squad that has a winning culture. One of the reasons to come here is I do feel we are a real good squad,” he said. “You want to work at a club with an opportunity to win something, the past has shown there is an opportunity to win trophies.

“When he arrived he said he was the normal one but it was anything but normal. What was special was what he left behind, winning trophies and the style of play.

“Yes I’m following someone who was really successful but there are really good players here and I like to work with them.”

Slot, who won 98 of his 150 games with Feyenoord, is Liverpool’s 21st permanent manager.

Klopp’s rivalry with City boss Pep Guardiola provided some of the defining moments of his Liverpool reign.

But Slot, who led Feyenoord to the Dutch title in 2023 but finished in second place last season, wisely opted against any bold declarations when asked about the prospect of pitting wits with Guardiola. “I’ve seen a lot of that rivalry. It’s something to look forward to but I think there are many other good managers here.




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