William Barr, broke millennials, and the gig economy’s barriers.

产品中心 2024-09-22 05:38:06 6512

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So, a president walks into a Barr:President Trump has nominated William Barr to replace Jeff Sessions as attorney general. Yet the two are not so different, as Mark Joseph Stern notes: Barr previously served as attorney general under George H.W. Bush, and his record on abortion, LGBTQ rights, and immigration tracks consistently with the views of the Trump administration.

Take that, avocado toast: According to the Fed, millennials really are the brokest generation. Jordan Weissmann deep dives into its newest report, which debunks or reinforces various Absolutely Real Facts about people born between 1981 and 1997. The short of it: They make less money and have more debt, but they spend as much as their predecessors. Yikes.

Trust and safety:Gig economy companies like Uber and Postmates claim to be disrupting traditional forms of employment, but their unclear and arbitrary background check policies are shutting out people with nonviolent, years-old convictions on their records. Mia Armstrong investigates how eight companies draw the line between protecting their users and giving candidates a fair shot at employment.

Virgin lead: Rebecca Onion breaks down the history and myths behind Queen Elizabeth I’s famously powder-white face, which heavily relied on a lead-based material. But the reasons why the notorious monarch wore it, and whether it ultimately led to her death, are anyone’s guess.

For fun:A journalist’s obsession with cryptids.

Blame it on Goofy,

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