House of jazz

行业动态 2024-09-22 07:42:11 63
Members of the Corea Image Communications Institute pose Saturday at Nine House,<strong></strong> the home of Jarasum International Jazz Festival director In Jae-jin and his spouse, jazz vocalist Youn Sun-nah, in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi Province, as part of the Korea CQ Forum. The members, including Japanese Ambassador Yasumasa Nagamine, Latvian Ambassador Peteris Vaivars, Hungarian Ambassador Gabor Csaba, Yonsei University professor and former United Nations Undersecretary-General Kim Won-soo and Korean Ambassador for Public Diplomacy Enna Park, listened to jazz music by pianist Heo Dae-uk. (Corea Image Communications Institute)Members of the Corea Image Communications Institute pose Saturday at Nine House, the home of Jarasum International Jazz Festival director In Jae-jin and his spouse, jazz vocalist Youn Sun-nah, in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi Province, as part of the Korea CQ Forum. The members, including Japanese Ambassador Yasumasa Nagamine, Latvian Ambassador Peteris Vaivars, Hungarian Ambassador Gabor Csaba, Yonsei University professor and former United Nations Undersecretary-General Kim Won-soo and Korean Ambassador for Public Diplomacy Enna Park, listened to jazz music by pianist Heo Dae-uk. (Corea Image Communications Institute)



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